Bringing you hand crafted memorial pieces that you can treasure forever.

Our Story

I’ve always thought it was a bad thing, to be so sentimental ALL the time.
I’ve struggled with holding on to things that mean the absolute world to me and yet, finding room for all this stuff just doesn’t come as easy.

I’m a Mumma to two beautiful boys, a wife to an incredible husband and together we have two beautiful fur babies. So you can imagine all the stuff i’ve wanted to hold on to.

I received a very much wanted piece of breastmilk jewellery years ago when i was still feeding my oldest Son. Its honestly one of my most treasured possessions. I was sitting, staring at it one day wishing i had something to represent my feeding journey with my now 2yr old being my second feeding journey when i looked over and noticed all my wedding stuff sitting there, collecting dust, waiting to either be stored away, sold or thrown out (which lets face it, i cant do this anyways) when it came to me, Why don’t i learn to preserve things?
So i did. I studied my butt off so i could learn to keep some of the things that meant the most to me in a way that i wont take up a whole bedroom of a house.

Follow our journey.

#ABDCSIGNATUREKEEPSAKES @adcbsignaturekeepsakes