Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. What exactly is a keepsake?

    A keepsake is that of a memory.
    Be it a person, a pet or frame of time.
    I will then preserve for you, a beautiful piece of jewellery. Common inclusions that have been requested are Breastmilk, Ashes of a loved human or animal, hair/fur, soil from a resting place, bridal or funeral flowers and even clothing such as wedding dress lace and a veil.
    Please never EVER send the last of a keepsake, things can sometimes get lost in the mail and i would hate for that to happen with beloved possessions.

  • Q. How much of an item do i send?

    For breastmilk, 5ml is all i need. This will go as far as making a few pieces or any left over preserved milk will be filed away safely for any future orders. If you dont have much of a supply, thats ok. I can work with anything you send me. I will not save extra liquid milk, this will be discarded.
    To send, Simply double bag the thawed breastmilk in milk storage bags with your name and order number on both bags and send in a padded envelope. Detailed instructions will be sent at the time of ordering.

    For any dry remains, half a teaspoon is more than enough. Anything that i dont use will be sent back to you with your order.

    NEVER send the last bit of your Keepsakes.

  • Q. Can i wear my keepsake jewellery all the time?

    As much as you want to, i must say No.
    The stones I carefully create for you should be treated as if it is a precious pearl. These stones need special care which means avoiding harsh soaps, chemicals, exposure to sunlight for long periods of time and and avoiding long water exposure. I recommend not sleeping with your Jewellery on.

    The longevity of tour piece greatly depends on how it is kept and treated.

    When not wearing your jewellery, keep in their protective pouch in a cool dark place.

  • Q. How do i send inclusions?

    I recommend sending all inclusions via express or registered post, so there is a tracking number. Please include your name and order number on ALL items. Keep all inclusions seperate.

    NEVER send the last of your keepsake.

    Cremation Ashes – Please send me your ashes double-bagged in ziplock bags, with the air squeezed out. The bag can then be posted to me in a padded envelope.

    Breastmilk – Please send me minimum of 5ml of breastmilk double-bagged in ziplock bags, with the air squeezed out. The bag can then be posted to me in a padded envelope.

    All other inclusions – Please send me any other inclusions double-bagged in ziplock bags, with the air squeezed out. The bag can then be posted to me in a padded envelope.

    Inclusions can then be sent in a small padded bag, usually available for purchase at the post office.

  • Will my jewellery be at risk of going mouldy?

    With proper care, your breastmilk jewellery will not go mouldy. Before crafting, I preserve breastmilk to a powder, using a method created and endorsed by A Piece of My heart Keepsakes. This preservation process leaves your breastmilk completely dry as a powder. As the breastmilk is then devoid of moisture, it can not grow mould.

  • Q, Can i change my order after it is placed?

    Certain details of your order can be changed but are not guaranteed after your order is placed. It's very important to be specific in your order as far as shimmers and flecks. Any shimmers and flecks added after an order is placed is not always guaranteed.

  • Q. Can i have the preserved milk returned?

    A. Once your milk is received and preserved using our special formula, It then becomes property of ADCB signature keepsakes. Due to Health, Safety and Privacy reasons, The preserved milk powder will not be returned in raw form.

    If you do not wish for your milk powder to filed away for any reason, please do not hesitate to let us know.